Sunday, January 16, 2011

FTV 1/16/11

Chartwells is our food service for both sea term and back at school. On sea term, the mess deck is open 24/7 because of everyone’s vastly different schedules. Chartwells is comprised of 31 employees, 26 of the being hourly workers and 5 managers. These employees work very long, very tiring 18-hour days serving food and maintaining the facilities.

To accommodate the 710 cadets and crew on board being open all the time, a great deal of preparation is done. In order to satisfy the hunger and cravings of all on board; 65-75 gallons of milk a day, 150-300 pounds of flour a day, 200 pounds of potatoes a day, 65 dozen cookies a day and 90 loaves of bread a day are made and prepared. On-loading during alongside weeks was mostly spent bring food down to the refrigeration area and storage.

Hundreds of cadets assisted in bringing; 440 5-gallon containers of milk, 600 gallons of hard iced cream, 400 gallons of soft serve iced cream, 150 10-pound cases of cereal, 800 pounds of ketchup, 3400 pounds of marinara sauce, and 30 gallons of salsa on board. There are also special occasions that need to be kept in mind. Whenever there is a Sunday that we are at sea, this year there are 2, we have a cookout on the helo deck. For this, 900 hand-carved steaks are brought on board and prepared for just those 2 days. Also, every Tuesday for lunch, chicken patties are served. Cadets carried enough chicken patties on board to prepare 1100 every Tuesday. In every port, we restock our produce. We get 1000 pounds of produce in every port. The employees of Chartwells work incredibly hard in keeping the food stocked, fresh and cadets fed.

1. How many cookies are made during Sea Term?
2. How many chicken patties are made during Sea Term?
3. Where will we be anchored for our Sundays at Sea this year?

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