Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Captain's Blog 2/15/12

I'm getting a sense of wrap-up. We are trying to get all the ship's business and maintenance items completed, and I know the faculty is working toward final examinations on Friday. We'll do a field day on Saturday where everyone works the day away'll come together-it always does.

Last night the SGA conducted their annual Las Vegas night. They take over the cadet mess and set up home-made roulette wheels, crap tables and poker tables. They use phony money - and good thing or the IRS would be all over us - the big winner was 4/C James Nguyen, taking home B'$16,750 (Buc Dollars), which allowed him to win the prize of 'First off the Ship. 3/C Daniel Riley was second, and was given the 'Ride in the Captain's Chair' through the canal on Sunday morning. 3/C Bryan Pascoe will be Regimental Commander for a Day; while 1/c Mike Cotter and 4/C Camille Aiello won 'No Mo Fo for a Day'. 4/C John Berry and 4/C Nick Holder have won no regimental inspections and no Friday sign-in days. And 3/C Melanie Holder will have the privilege of breakfast in bed - served by the Regimental Commander on Saturday.

One crazy event was the judging of the 'Cheesy Moustache Contest'. It was funny judging maybe 30 young men that had paid an entry fee to see how poorly they could grow a moustache. Many of course knew they could grow one easily, and paid just to grow one - but for about seven cadets, it was a serious competition for really bad facial hair. Judges included Barber Roger, 2nd AE DePersis, 3rd AE Hobson, CAPT Rozak and me - and it was easy to thin the field down to three, then the final was hard. But 4/C Dylan Chaves bested 4/C Andrew Byrne and 4/C Corey Barnett.

More tomorrow...

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