These majors are referred to as the non-license majors at our academy because they do not receive a coast guard license upon graduation. During SeaTerm the freshman cadets are introduced to different topics involved in those majors. What makes these classes even better is that senior cadets within the major teach them, which allows the cadets to bring their personal experience into the classroom.
The students in the photos are participating in the Environmental Safety and Protection lab and the Emergency Management lecture both of which are taught by the Senior Cadets from those departments. Students who choose these MMA majors graduate with a Bachelors of Science degree.
The Marine Safety and Environmental Protection (MSEP) department consists of two programs, either of which students may choose as a major. One program is Marine Safety and Environmental Protection; the other is Emergency Management. Because environmental, safety and emergency issues and events often overlap, The Marine Safety and Environmental Protection program takes Environmental Science to another level.
MSEP prepares students for a wide range of rewarding government, non-profit and private sector careers in the fields of environmental protection, environmental management, and marine and industrial health and safety. The program’s mixture of practical coursework and experience ensures, as an MSEP graduate, you‘ll successfully transition from college to a career track job in the field of environmental health and safety. With a degree in MSEP Cadets are prepared for career in such as climate change, diminishing natural resources, environmental degradation, increasing demands for energy, green and sustainable development, booming population and economic growth in developing countries, and pressing worldwide needs for environmental protection and industrial health and safety.
The Emergency Management program’s educational coursework provides training in hazard, risk, and disaster. The program explores Risk Assessment, Control Analysis, Strategy and Implementation and Evaluation. In the case of disaster, the students study the different methods of Emergency prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. This program’s practical coursework and experience, provides an EM graduate, the skills for a smooth transition from college to a profession in the emergency management field.
In the winter of 2010, a team of Emergency Management (EM) cadets traveled to the island of Haiti after it experienced a horrific earthquake. The cadets lived eight miles off the southern coast of mainland Haiti, and performed onsite assessments of the island’s damage.
In the summer of 2011, a group of Environmental Safety and Protection (MESP) cadets volunteered to continue the work of the EM team by using their knowledge of ecological issues. The goal of this team was to collect data concerning the quality of water in many of the island’s municipal fresh-water wells, testing for the presence of Escherichia coli., and working with the island’s newly formed Water Commission.
This year on Sea Term the outreach to Haiti continues:
Cadets work hard on the grounds of the SGR Center for Disabled Individuals in Curacao
Geography Friday:
Natural hazards are the result of physical processes that affect humans every day. Learning Geography helps you understand those impacts and how humans use technology to adapt to phenomena such as fires, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and volcanoes.
This lesson is designed to help you understand that the negative consequences of natural hazards can be reduced if we understand our vulnerability to learn to prepare for them.
Extreme natural events like hurricanes, floods, and wildfires can cause damage and harm to people, animals, and environments. Humans are better able to prepare for and recover from extreme natural events if they understand the dangers. How can you prepare for extreme natural events?
Go on an online fact-finding mission to answer five multiple-choice, math-related questions about volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and more. Here is the game.
Learn about some of the ways the developing world is vulnerable to the impact and effects of natural disasters. Then investigate some “natural disaster hotspots” around the globe and assess how vulnerable these areas are.
Consider the threats that natural disasters (specifically tornadoes, volcanoes, and earthquakes) pose for humans, then compare and contrast two disasters.
Don't forget to come cheer on the cadets as they return from sea this Sunday!
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