Saturday, February 14, 2015

FTV We are Back in USA-Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Today's port call was a welcomed sight for the cadets after nine days at sea. No matter what your vantage point on the Kennedy this morning there was no doubt that our home shores were in sight. 

From the Bridge
From the Bow

From the Rails

Yes We are Here!

Fort Lauderdale is known as the “Venice of America” for its extensive system of waterways,
Early settlers and land developers considered the Everglades to be a worthless swamp. By the 1800s, developers started digging canals to drain the wetlands. Between 1905 and 1910, large tracts of land were converted to agriculture. This “new” land stimulated the first of South Florida’s land booms. Henry Flagler constructed the first railroad down the Florida peninsula opening up this area to people.

By the 1920s, visitors and new residents flocked to towns like Fort Lauderdale, Miami, and Fort Myers. As they arrived, more canals were dug. Canals, roads, and buildings took the place of native habitats.

In 1948, Congress authorized the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to construct a system of roads, canals, levees, and water-control structures stretching throughout South Florida. This was intended to provide water and flood protection and to help preserve the Everglades. However, the alteration of the wetlands—combined with increasing population—damaged the natural system.

Join the controversy involved in the diverting of the water from the Everglades to farming and urban use.

Working together to protect our lakes, rivers, canals, and wetlands!

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