Cold and windy, that's what we got this morning. I woke to a brilliant setting full moon as we headed west, north of Race Point. Soon we were blowing tubes and turning south. We should be at anchor no later than 1100.
Tomorrow will be a busy day - but first, I have weather facts that might help parents and friends planning on viewing the ship's arrival tomorrow. Right now the wind is blowing at 30 knots out in Cape Cod Bay - and at the same time it is blowing 15 in Buzzards Bay. This dramatic difference is caused by land friction, and how it slows and interrupts wind. And, we see the most significant drop in wind velocity when it blows north or northwest. So we can expect the wind to be moderate tomorrow morning as we dock at 1040. It will still be cold - at least for those of us not acclimated to the New England weather.
Tomorrow we will heave anchor about 0830, pick up the pilot and head toward the Canal breakwater at Scusset Beach, passing at about 0915. The Canal will take just about an hour as it includes taking up tugs after the Bourne Bridge. We should be off the Academy at just about 1030, ready to make the move into the slip at slack water.
Parents should be patient as it takes a little time to get positioned and moored before we hoist the gangway into place. Then the cadets will be released based upon inspection of their berthing spaces passing inspection. Who will be the first person off the ship? Cadet 1/C Benjamin Boudrow placed the highest bid with Vegas Night funny-money for the privilege - hope he doesn't trip!
2011 Annual Master's Awards
Each year I ask the department heads to survey their members and give me a short list of those cadets that have gone above and beyond. I know there are many cadets that just do the minimum, and as long as they stay out of the way, I suppose that is OK. I know we have the real goldbrickers too, and they tend to stand out in afternoon extra duty musters. Yet we have many, many cadets that just want to strive - they want the best grades and they want to do the best job on maintenance - and for these cadets we honor them with a Master's Award. For the remainder of their time at the Academy they will wear a ribbon, blue and gold stripes on a grey field. The following cadets have earned this honor, and I offer them my congratulations!
First Class: Joseph Connor, Marshfield, MA (3); George Cornelius, Annapolis, MD (2); Patrick Dannaher, Arlington, VA; Christine Egbert, Meadowbrook, PA; Kevin Ferranzzani, North Reading, MA; Paul Frempong, East Hartford, CT (2); Peter Gels, Boston, MA; Benjamin Johnson, Dover, NH; Jared Horey, Ledyard, CT; Daniel Kelley, Bradford, MA; Brian Maniglia, Pennsville, NJ; Rory O'Donnell, Somerset, MA; Kevin O'Sullivan, Quincy, MA (2); Brian Reske, Duxbury, MA (2); Adam Silvis, Dayton, PA; Elizabeth Strunk, Lexington, KY; Michael Surette, Lynn, MA; Thomas Stralka, North Kingstown, RI; Devin Tetzlaff, Forestdale, MA (2); Maxwell Whitney, Middletown, RI; Ronald Varrichione, Medway, MA; and Andrew Willard, Underhill, VT.
Third Class: Kristen Donnell, Indianapolis, IN (2); Ryan Joyce, Milton, MA; Sarah Knott, East Sandwich, MA; Nicholas Mazurkiewicz (2), Peabody, MA; Christopher Meoli, Northboro, MA; Douglas Neal, Hampstead, MD; Andrew Pfister, Burke, VA; Mark Price, Woods Hole, MA (2); Benjamin Schaff, Sagamore Beach, MA (2); Anna Whittimore, Weatogue, CT; and Christopher Wright, Mattapoisett, MA.
Fourth Class: Christopher Affannato, Haverhill, MA; Lauren Bateman, Newbury, MA; John Bradford, Rockport, MA; Kelsie Brien, Methuen, MA; Thomas Dindy, Marshfield, MA; Hillary Doucette, Manchester, MA; Stephen Ellershaw, Michaela Garrity, Tiverton, RI; Brett Igo, Hingham, MA; Robert Krupa, Acushnet, MA; Stephanie Lee, Acton, MA; Elliot Lewis, Bennington, VT; Stephen Lindsey, Attleboro, MA; Brian Mason, Plymouth, MA; Torey McGilvray, Plymouth, MA; Ian Memmi, Hershey, PA; and Karen Parker, Fairhaven, MA.
Note, those cadets with (#) indicate previous Master's Awards.
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