Thursday, February 6, 2014

FTV February 6

Most people would assume the T.S. Kennedy is propelled by diesel engines since engine technology is more familiar to us. However, the Kennedy is actually propelled by steam. The ship’s power plant will transform water into steam, which is then sent through the turbine causing the propeller to rotate, therefore moving the ship.
 A turbine is similar to a fan and when the steam passes through the turbine it will begin to rotate. Connected to the turbine is a long shaft, which is then connected to the propeller. When the turbine rotates so does the propeller causing the ship to move. After the steam goes through the turbine it will be recollected and condensed back into water to be reused again. The process of transforming from water into steam, then back to water is known as the steam cycle.  Throughout this cycle there are many pieces of equipment that play specific roles in an efficient steam cycle. The steam cycle is the most important system in the engine because every other system is based off of the steam cycle.

Engineering Thursday

Make a model steam turbine and paddle wheel using these patterns.

Do some research into the history of how steam engines shaped the transportation industry.

The basic process and technology for producing most of our electricity is the same—whether it’s generated by a coal-burning power plant, a steam engine, a nuclear plant, or a renewable resource. In nearly all cases, one form of energy is converted into motion, or kinetic energy, by means of the spinning blades of a turbine. The turbine’s rotation is then used to turn the working parts of an electrical generator. Watch this video to see more.
Draw and label the steam cycle. Explain how this cycle works in a short paragraph

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